{Tuesdays) Zumba® Toning w/Kim at 6:00pm (45 min) Zumba® w/Kim at 7:00pm (60 min)
{Wednesdays} Zumba® Gold-Toning (using weights optional) w/Elvira at 5:45pm (45 min) Zumba® w/Brianne at 6:30pm (55 min)
{Thursdays} Zumba® Gold-Toning (using weights optional) w/Elvira at 10am (45 min) Zumba® Toning/Zumba Combo w/Kim at 6:00pm (45 min) Adult Dance w/Kim at 7:00pm (60 min)
{Fridays} CLOSED
{Saturdays} CLOSED
*Instructor and classes, along with class times are subject to change or be cancelled at any time * *Please see each Class Description pages for a detailed explanation of each class* *Toning (optional) classes let you choose whether to add the weights or not, depending on your preference. You can take the class and use weights if you would like to, but it is not required.* *For up to the minute information on classes please follow us on Facebook (click on the gray icon below)*